“Fire and rehire” has been a hot topic lately, especially after P&O’s controversial dismissal of all their staff in 2022. While technically not a true “fire and rehire” (they hired entirely new crews), it sparked outrage and a government response.
To address concerns, a new Code of Practice for fire and rehire will be enforced this summer. This sets out best practices for employers and potential consequences for those who violate them. So what does that mean for employers?
“Fire and rehire” is the practice of terminating an employee’s contract, by giving them the correct notice, and immediately offering to re-employ them on different terms. “Fire and-rehire” can be used as a last resort to impose new terms and conditions on employees if negotiations fail.
For all these reasons, it’s often best to try to negotiate and agree contractual changes with your staff. If contractual changes is important to and for your business, there may be things you can offer your staff in return– perhaps an extra day’s annual leave, or the opportunity to hybrid once or twice a week. It’s also possible to offer a one-off bonus in recognition of staff agreeing new terms. While you don’t have to offer any of this, it’s good to remember in any negotiation, “wins” for both sides are important.
If you can’t reach agreement, the negotiations will be time well spent to understand the concerns your staff have and give you an opportunity to address them. It’ll also help them understand your requirements and why you believe changes to their contracts are necessary.
Essentially, the Code asks you, as an employer to:
Failing to follow the fire and rehire Code during dismissal can significantly increase your financial risk. If an employee claims unfair dismissal, the Employment Tribunal could rule in their favour and award them up to 25% more compensation.
Considering contract changes? Fire and rehire might not be the answer. Most employment contracts come with a degree of flexibility, and some give the employer a “right” to make changes. But as with much of employment law, what’s written down in a contract is only part of the story, and fairness plays a big part – so don’t rely on these clauses.
This means that while following the new Code on “fire-and-rehire” might not be your first consideration when thinking about contract changes, it shouldn’t be overlooked. So always take advice before you start.